
DAHON K3 で全国を輪行制覇したい。。。

DAHON K3 【ポタリング】品川駅起点 寺社巡りとアート DAHON K3 [Pottering] Starting from Shinagawa Station, visiting temples and shrines and art








Easy pottering starting from Shinagawa station. Take the Konan exit of Shinagawa station and head toward Kaigan-dori. First of all, I will aim for Tennozu Isle. Many of the office buildings in Shinagawa have been newly developed, creating a very bright atmosphere. At Tennozu Isle, take a walk through the artistic cityscape developed by Warehouse TERRADA. It might be a good idea to stop your bike and have a coffee at the cafe.

After leaving the Tennozu Isle district, you will enter Shinagawa Ward, where you can feel the old atmosphere of the Tokaido. Although it is a small shrine, I visited Ebara Shrine. There were many white-eyes on the plum blossoms, and there were also many photographers. Next to Ebara Shrine, go to Shinagawa Shrine. Shinagawa Shrine on a hill is a representative shrine in this area.

After leaving Shinagawa Shrine, head to Togoshi, which is famous for the Togoshi Ginza shopping district. Togoshi also has a historical shrine called Togoshi Hachiman Shrine. There is also a small shop on the approach road, and you can feel the depth of history.

Head north from Togoshi to Meguro Fudoson. There is a station on the Tokyu Meguro Line called Fudo-mae, but it really refers to Meguro Fudoson.

From Meguro Fudoson, return to Shinagawa Station. On the way, the celebrity feeling of Gotenyama, which is a high-class residential area, is not odd.

Mileage 17km

Total time 2 hours 50 minutes



