
DAHON K3 で全国を輪行制覇したい。。。

DAHON K3 【サイクリング】印旛沼サイクリングロードDAHON K3 [Cycling] Inbanuma Cycling Road






Inba-numa Cycling Road that runs on the south bank of West Inba-numa. On the way, it is a route that goes along the connecting waterway to Kita-Inba-numa, sightseeing in Boso-no-mura and returning. Sakura City has many attractions as a flower town, and it is a good place to hang out. The distance is about 30 km, so it is a route with plenty of detours. The village of Boso is one of the detours, and it is an area with many ancient burial mounds and an area that reproduces the life of the Edo period.

Mileage 31km

Travel time 1 hour 55 minutes (of which travel time 1 hour 45 minutes)

Elapsed time 3 hours 35 minutes

