
DAHON K3 で全国を輪行制覇したい。。。

DAHON ViscEvo 【ポタリング】千住界隈と月島 DAHON ViscEvo [Pottering] Senju area and Tsukishima


Unusual, pottering with ViscEvo. Personally, I like the area that runs from the Senju area, through Asakusa, and on to Tsukishima. This route takes you from the cluttered downtown area to the bay area full of tower apartments, giving you a sense of Tokyo's diversity.



As someone who lives in a prefecture with a lot of things to do, the Arakawa Cycling Road is like a highway. Just keep driving, cross the Iwabuchi water gate, and head toward Kitasenju around Nishiarai Bridge. No matter when I look at it, Kitasenju, which is located on a sandbar between the Arakawa and Sumida rivers, seems to be a convenient town, but I'm afraid of earthquake and the risk of flooding, so I'm moving here now. However, Senju Shrine was founded in 926 AD, so this area must have been land. If I live in the Senju area, I would like to live near Senju Shrine. Leaving Senju Shrine, I headed to Suho Shrine in Minamisenju. This is also an old shrine that is said to have been established in 795 AD, and has the largest number of parishioners in Arakawa Ward.

千住神社 Senju Shrine

素戔嗚神社 Susano Srine



As you pass through the crowds of Asakusa and enter Chuo Ward, you will find a forest of tower apartments. The scenery is in contrast to Arakawa Ward and Taito Ward.

What I like about the Tsukishima and Tsukudashima areas is the view of the waterway and tower apartments that can be seen from Tsukuda Kobashi Bridge. Traditional waterways and modern tower apartments. It's a contrast that gives you a sense of history. It often appears in manga.
