
DAHON K3 で全国を輪行制覇したい。。。

【コラム】DAHON K3 は都会のポタリングに向いているのか [Column] Is DAHON K3 suitable for urban pottering?

DAHON K3 14インチサイズ、3速ギア、トップギア比5.83という、14インチサイズで最速と思われる自転車です。都心のような人の多いところをポタリングするのにちょうどよくないと思うあなた、誤りです。






DAHON K3 is considered to be the fastest 14-inch bicycle with a 14-inch size, 3rd gear, and a top gear ratio of 5.83. If you think it's not suitable for pottering around in crowded places like the city center, you're wrong.

Personally, I feel like I'm riding a bicycle in the suburbs. Because the tires are small, they are extremely vulnerable to bumps. In the city center, people tend to ride on sidewalks instead of on roads where sidewalks are allowed. Because cars are really scary when you drive on the road. If that happens, you'll have to be very nervous as there will be many traps, such as small steps on the sidewalk and Braille blocks.

It's true that it starts out light and doesn't pick up speed, so you might think it's perfect for urban pottering, but be careful of step traps. As a side note, I'm too scared to ride an even smaller electric scooter.

However, once you get used to it, it's not really a threat. However, if you are planning on pottering around in the city, we recommend the 20-inch size. At least a Brompton 16 inch.

Also, 14 inches really stands out. I'm 170cm tall, but I've been told that I look like a circus bear. I wonder what people say about Carry Me.

In November, I had some free time, so I took a rare look at the year, so I'll just upload some photos.
